Restorative Services

We can repair your damaged or missing teeth. Improve your overall oral health and restore your self-confidence with restorative dentistry.

You many need a dental bridge to replace missing teeth, help maintain the shape of your face or alleviate stress on your bite. Your bridge can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain or a combination of these materials, and is bonded onto surrounding teeth for support.

The success of any bridge depends on many factors including the surrounding teeth, gums and bone, making it very important to keep your existing teeth, gums, and jaw healthy and strong.

If a bridge sounds like something that could help you achieve the smile of your dreams, contact our team to schedule an appointment.

We can offer our patients same day crowns, rather then the traditional two weeks it would usually take to have a crown made.

Using the world leading imaging software Sirona Dental Cerec Omnicam our team can use CAD/CAM solutions to design and fabricate dental crowns within one appointment for crown preparation and final crown cementation. No more temporary crowns needed!

Contact our team to see how our same day crowns could change your life!

Porcelain Inlays & Onlays
A great alternative to fillings are porcelain inlays & onlays; considered very durable and visually pleasing. Inlays and onlays durability makes them a great solution for strengthening weakened molars.

Inlays & onlays require less preparation due to the nature of fabrication. They are intended to protect a specific part of the tooth.

Porcelain inlays & onlays can be made to match the shade of your teeth, creating a more natural look, and different materials can also be used. Come visit us to see how we can help you with inlays & onlays.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction
An impacted wisdom tooth occurs when the wisdom teeth are unable to erupt into the mouth. Generally this is caused by other teeth, or when the tooth does not erupt in a vertical position

The most common treatment for an impacted wisdom tooth is wisdom tooth extraction. The process can be simple or surgical depending on the impact and angle of the tooth. Wisdom tooth extractions can be done under local anesthetic, general anesthetic, or sedation.

We put a great focus on patient comfort, and will make the the process as painless as possible.